Irish Mint Smoothie

Happy St Patricks day! My favorite color is green so I love this holiday just because it’s an excuse to get green. On this Irish day there will be no green beer of shots of Jamison for me though. I think I over partied on this holiday in college, when our bars would open at 6am and my roommates and I would be waking up with mimosas and bailey’s and coffee. Oh those college days.  So, in honor of this Irish Holiday, I’ve blended up a tasty mint green smoothie.I was pressed for time, so pardon the lack of presentation. It was quite delicious! Almost better than a Shamrock shake from McDonalds, an old childhood tradition.

Some vanilla almond milk

A banana or two (Frozen if you can)

Add some mint leaves

A handful of Spinach

Option: add some chocolate chips for a more milkshake treat