When Life Seems to Fall Apart…

About 2-4 years ago I had a massive transit happen that shifted everything in my life, in myself and caused me to reevaluate every to be true. What happened? Well I found Yoga, I mean real yoga, and began the process of getting out of the pose and normal everyday routine to discover something deeper… In that same year I lost everything and virtually every piece of my life fell apart: I got laid off, I had no job and was not able to get another easy job, my car broke, my cat died, my friends fell away, and old connections that were once meaningful randomly disappeared, as if vanished by thin air. My body changed, my choices changed, my socializing hours took a halt, and new peace was found in the simplicity of stillness. Life…well it took a drastic turn and all I had going for me was a beautiful beach I could sit on with unemployment money and some San Diego sunshine to ponder what the real purpose of life really was…


It did not matter that everything fell apart, I was actually over joyed that finally the desk and prolonged hours of sitting was no longer a mandatory wake up drive and necessity. The negative people and late night bar activities that seemed to be the only social option faded, and finally I was able to get back to something so much better that no shot or one night stand option could ever satisfy. It was liberating for me to be totally free and able to choose a new beginning and finally be out of the toxic environment where working for a paycheck and a bottle of chardonnay at the end of the day seemed like the happy prize for sitting cramped, stuck, bored, and totally unfulfilled. What I did not know is something else was calling, and that need within me to move, do, act, and be creative as the happy soul I knew myself to be was finally ready to break through and become someone more in alignment with who I knew myself to be… That old world paradigm of get up, go to work, have a job, eat, sleep and do it again was a routine I was unwilling and unable to follow anymore. So in my loss, and with everything falling away and dying, I was left alone to sit, wonder, contemplate, and ponder what I was really seeking and where I could go, what I could do to actually live a life of meaning and purpose and really wake up daily and be happy….

A lot has happened since then, even more has changed, and I’ve developed on a higher road of understanding the real meaning of letting go, and realizing yourself once more… There is journey, and to get on it, often things crumble so you can rebuild to a better state….

…When life falls apart, things change, and it seems like nothing is going in your direction, it is easy to fall into a trap, hold on, and lie and cheat whatever is trying to change. When destruction happens, the world you knew tumbles, and you are left alone, in panic, with fear, it is a sign and a blessing to help you breakthrough and find a better road that will take you somewhere happier…. Change is inevitable, and when you avoid it, shit will surmount. There is no hiding what the Universe wants you to know. Though in the misery, the tangled world that becomes scary like a horror movie will be no easy walk in the woods, when you come out from the dark shells that have bound you, you will look back and remember and see why you had to experience the rough road and tough times to get you to a better place….  You can always find a better place than where you are.

There is always a better road, and easier way to handle things, and a more peaceful place you can be. When you find the right road that really works for you, it can be scary to get on it, trust it, and leave everything behind to find it…. When the Universe beckons you to awaken, life is easier when you follow the call to awaken your heart and live with your higher soul as a brighter and happier force…… Sometimes change is inevitable, and in this new age there is no hiding from the power that wants us all to live happier, be free, and love better….

May the Summer bring you fate, show you destiny, & may the changes, and twists and turns of fate steer you in a better direction. May you evolve and become the person you KNOW yourself to be…. May you trust your journey, whatever may come on it…. Happy Summer & enjoy the change  ❤ YES YOU CAN!!!





DEVOTION: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

This word has been circulating throughout my day, in my thoughts, & in my head for the past few days. Devotion. What is devotion, & how is it different than desire? To be devoted is to be fully committed to you, yourself, and only what is true for you.

We think devotion is sticking to our routine, working out, eating right, & taking time to ‘work out’. No Devotion is a higher state of being. It goes beyond listening to mainstream society or doing as your do daily. Real devotion is a quality of the heart. It’s by your own inner guidance that you can transcend and choose what and who to be devoted to.

Desire is a dream, its an urge, a pulse, something that sounds, feels, and seems good. Devotion is your ability to stay committed – not to that dream that you think you desire, but to what you desire for yourself. See the difference? Devotion is full commitment to live your life as the person you ‘think’ you desire to be, and to authentically show up, even when the world may deem otherwise. We all have desire, & we think we know what we want, & we choose to create dreams & get set on what will happen. When you embrace Devotion – you know yourself is true. You do not need the desire, you can shed your limitation in thinking that is the way it will be, and you can instead live committed to You. Meaning, if you call yourself a yoga teacher, you live in light & love & treat others well & invoke Yogic principles. You don’t get on your mat, do some poses & breathing, then drive away flicking people off or cursing. You live your life devoted to your practice. Desire is the yoga teacher who thinks they need the ‘numbers’ the ‘physical’ challenge, or the ‘mask’ to perform in a space that is purely guided by your own desire, forgetting about the other in the room & what is best for them & others.

Devotion is the act of living from an authentic place that honors who you are. When you are able to remain completely devoted tSrimad-Bhagavatam-on-Having-Unflinching-Devotion-for-The-Supreme-Personality-of-Godheado yourself, you allow things to happen, and you yield yourself to the Universe and step forward into the unknown. Desire is the catalyst to devotion. We all have wishes, intentions, dreams, etc. Desire often catches the ego – when we stop being devoted. As you evolve you change, and with that, your desires change too.

Often we place our desire with ego attachment. For example, I’m doing this to make this amount of money, or I’m not helping you because I won’t get any money. Our ego overrides our desire. If you desire is more money, you need to be devoted to allowing more money. That may mean helping someone else achieve abundance themselves, or honoring someone else needing help. Our head overrides our heart all the time, or we let other people’s thoughts/egos tell us what to do, how to think, how to behave. People can help you, if they are living fully in truth and from a conscious place of connection. The others living from their own desire, without devotion to the whole, will tell you what you need to do to serve them. Thus, you help them achieve their desire, and disconnect from your own desire.


As we end this crazy year of 2014, I ask you to consider how devoted you have been to Yourself. What dreams to do wish to manifest this year? What have you achieved? And what more do you wish to accomplish before this years end?

images       Human nature gets busy, we forget, we get distracted, and we forget about what we committed for ourselves and our own well being. Desire is always there, and every day we are making choices to fill our desires. However, devotion is how desire is granted. Being devoted to your dreams, your wishes, your goals, is being able to truly root down and say ‘Yes’ to all you want to accomplish. In every moment, in every waking day, you set yourself up to achieve. That meaning, you show up from a place of love. You accept people when they tell you what they think you need to do, but you always check back in with you to see if that truly fits You.


If our desire is bigger than our devotion we will never achieve what our soul truly is asking us. You have desires, you manifest and create with devotion. To you, yourself, who you are, and who you wish to be. In the process, leaving fear behind, perhaps other people, and stay completely devoted to your desires.

When you are devoted you trust the process & surrender, stay aligned to what you heart desires and let your wishes fuel you forward in love & with joy. Let the journey continue, & stay devoted when you walk your unique path.


On Happiness


What is Happiness?


noun: happiness; plural noun: happinesses; the state of being happy.


pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, cheerfulness, merriment, gaiety, joy, joyfulness, joviality, jollity, glee, delight, good spirits, lightheartedness, well-being, enjoyment;

This a question, I’ve pondered and constantly come back to. This new Spring season has awakened new aspects of myself and I suddenly am seeing life in a whole new perspective. I was once on quest to find my inner joy. Something deep within me was no longer satisfied going by the every day norm and doing what people ‘thought’ was best for me. i.e. – working the 9-5 job, getting promoted, designer clothes, going out to bars, binge drinking, and other somewhat ‘normal’ things other girls in their mid twenties were typically seeking. That stuff did not matter, I needed something more. I yearned to wake up feeling satisfied, to get up with excitement for my day, and wanted to make ideas happen that would help this world be a better and brighter place. After a series of unexpected events, and with what I’d like to deem a magical and crazy Spiritual Awakening, I am emerging out of what was, and allowing myself to radiant forward  – in the best ways I possible can.

Life has taught me so many lessons in the past three years, and in the entirety of my life as I look back and reflect. I believe that happiness is an inside job. It’s more than just proclaiming today I am happy, because we all know there are many circumstances that happen that cause us to feel otherwise. You can read a ton of books, follow people online, even post things on Facebook that seem uplifting. That’s wonderful, and maybe you are inspiring someone in the process. The more our planet elevates in consciousness the more I witness people posting tons and tons of stuff all over social media about how to find your inner joy or some other regurgitated quote or message. Why? I’m really not sure. True, real happiness, I believe, is about finding ways to please yourself fully and live whole in who you are. It’s not doing, it’s Living. It about waking up and looking forward to whatever you have on your schedule and being eager to share your energy to the world. It’s about doing things you love and surrounding yourself with people who let you be the best you can be. And rather than seeking people, things, jobs, money, etc, it’s about dancing on your own path to self acceptance and joy.Happiness is a choice

So many of us cultivate this attitude of limitation. We want to do this, however we can’t because of this. Or we think we need a certain person, or need to do a certain thing to be happy. We say to ourselves I love doing this and I’d love to do more of this but —-. And so our world doesn’t change. I believe Happiness is found when you are able to live in complete awareness of who you are – not what your family, friends, or society tells you to be. Is it easy? Fuck no. It takes work, it means breathing past your challenges and overcoming yourself so you can serve yourself in the best ways possible. It’s more than just saying you are happy. What is that? Do you feel happy on the inside? Can you break free from your own patterns and choose to face the real thing that is holding you back from your own complete happiness? Are you willing to get into your body and feel alive and as good you can be? Can you put down the weed, beer, or glass of wine, and instead of drinking to feel something and later your state of consciousness – can you be willing to come to terms with the struggle and take conscious motion forward to freedom? The truth is too many of us are just to scared. They are held back in the fear of what if I were willing to change my life? Scared of investing in themselves, of what change may bring, of getting out of their routine, and going beyond what is comfortable or dare I say ‘normal.’ Then habits continues, routines go on for years, the same type of people come in, the same problems, and people wonder why their life is the way it is. Ha. Ha.

Walking a path of happiness and fulfillment is a path you take on your own. It looks different to everyone. Yes, you have people who support you along the way and guide you and are in your life for a reason. But Happiness is your own inner journey. It’s not about doing what this person does, or thinking your dreams will come true by reading a book and following it or reciting it. To me, Happiness is about learning to make choices that serve you. Happiness is not an act, it’s a way of living. Do the things that please you, and find satisfaction in every moment of your day. Love the life you choose for yourself. If you don’t like it, change it, or something about it. You can spend a lot of time and money searching for the perfect partnership, the job that will fulfill you, or the thing that will finally let you feel satisfied. Where is the fun in that? Why do we settle for less than we deserve? Why not choose right now to commit to yourself. To who you are on the inside. To stop thinking you need other people to awaken your inner joy, and choose to live it for yourself. As the planet changes and more and more people are seeking ways to live life well. It’s wonderful! I hope we can all learn to do the best we can to inspire one another. Happiness is more than just a mantra, activity, or necessity. True happiness is living your life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. To be okay when things happen, knowing it needs to be that way. To allow yourself to dig into your feelings and inner wisdom and love yourself from the inside first. It’s about trusting yourself to take measures to live better, invest in yourself, and instead of seeking something outside of yourself, to seek it within.

Life happens and it teaches you to grow in yourself. Be positive and live well. Obstacles and challenges will happen. The universe throws you curve balls. It’s okay to crhappinessy about it and be upset. Sometimes, you probably won’t be in your best state. That’s truth – that’s the work. Don’t lie to yourself – accept it. To refine your where you are and to make positive changes so you can live better; not for anyone, or to have something, or gain something. Happiness is something that is locked up within us all. Some of us express it and tap into it more than others. I believe real happiness is being able to look at your reflection and see all aspects of yourself and to honestly evaluate what aspects you may need to overcome. Who cares what society thinks, and lets let go of the ‘normal’, or the idea that your have to ‘be okay and friendly and smile’ in every minute of the day. That’s bullshit. Life happens and things can hurt – but it’s in your ability to learn why where the work takes place. Reality is, we are all never okay – admit it, and own it. I tell ya it’s a whole lot better to face your fears, your emotions, and to start to ask the question – ‘why isn’t this working for me anymore?’. Happiness is an exploration of yourself. It’s about stopping the habits and the old ways we think we need to live our life. It’s not about how many facebook posts you make, or your ‘like’s and followers, or what you choose to gossip and complain about. It’s not about showing up with a smile either. Happiness is finding joy in every second of living. You do that by getting through the battle and challenges and finding self acceptance. For me, it’s laughing when things happen that don’t make sense. It’s smiling at the stranger who just cut you off in traffic, and it’s breathing in your own sense of self to feel awakened in YOU. No one needs anything. To find happiness, you do the work, you tune into your self – your body  and heart – and YOU consciously choose to better yourself. You let your spirit guide you forward, and you trust the beat with in you to lead you forward… in whatever way that may be….cuz it’s different for us all.Real Journey

People inspire. Books inspire. Life causes you to become something more [if you are willing]; Life teaches. Happiness is an inner journey that promotes confidence within who you are. It may be lonely, confusing, and very surreal at times. It takes time, it’s not something we are born with innately – it’s a unique process. Only when you dare to get deeper, can you truly prosper. I went through a three year shift that taught me more about myself than I could have ever imagined. Did I plan it? No, events happened that taught me to grow fuller in myself and it took a lot of tears to overcome, and I was blessed to have teachers help me along the way. Ultimately it was my own commitment that has gotten me to where i am now. Letting go what I thought I needed or wanted, and trusting there is always more to come. I had to break free and stop doing what I did all my life, and in the process it liberated me and has helped me become fulfilled. This week I invite you to do something nice for yourself. To plan a schedule with activities that will inspire a smile on your face and to notice why it brings you fulfillment. Maybe it’s even taking an hour to be alone journey solo in what you enjoy. We all seek on the outside to feel better about ourselves. Why not harness your own happiness first then let the world be filled with it? Step into love for who you are and live your life by finding happiness in who you really are and all that you actually enjoy 😉 What is happiness to you? Can YOU OWN it and ACCEPT it and LIVE it??



Happiness & Gratitude

I sat down to begin writing my Holiday cards. Who do I write to? Those who have inspired me this year. Some I may have barely chatted with. Others, may not even know my name. I made a list with those special souls who have touched my heart this year and changed me. Those people that I need to thank, not because they are ‘family’ or because I knew them in college, or because someone told me I had to give and do something for them. I chose the people who have helped me become happier this year. It’s for that, I want to express my thanks, and give this holiday season…


Does it resonate with you?


Feel More. Heal More.

“In order to heal, sometimes you need to feel…”

This past week has been interesting. The full moon in Virgo last Sunday really took a lot out of me. As I’ve deepened my yoga practice I’ve become so much more in tune with astrology and various spiritual connections with myself and what’s happening. It’s fascinating to me. This past full moon in Virgo was felt deep for me. Most full moons are often energetically draining and emotional, depending on your sign and astrology chart.

Right before the full moon I had some unexpected and disappointing news come to me. I cried a lot and did my best to elevate my spirits to a better place. As I tried to overcome all the emotions I was feeling, I realized that sometimes you just need to sit still, to feel the emotions, let them pour out, and feel more, so you can help heal.  Once I was able to get the tears out and grief, I was able to begin a new emotional journey back to that content place I strive to be at. I realized sometimes you need to take the lessons, the things that happen, and accept them for what they are.  This full moon for me was a giant test… but isn’t everything? In the midst of my natural flow, and right when I thought everything was aligning as planned, a shift happened and suddenly it felt as if things were falling apart. But truthfully, they were not, obstacles are often enlightening tools. Despite the grief, tears, confusion, anger, and uncertainty, there was a bigger lesson to be learned. It comes back to trust. Trusting that as I connect more to who I am, what I want, and what I seek, I’m able to confidently watch the contrast unfold, as I know that things will work out exactly as they should.


The full moon continued to be felt deep for me days before and three days after. I even had physical symptoms manifest its way into my body as allergies, stomach sensitive’s, no hunger, emotional, and very tired. After purging my emotions during those few days, I am now able to sit back and reflect. Miraculously enough, all my symptoms were gone once the moon passed (Wednesday). Yoga teaches us to connect from a new place, a place of ease, peace, and stillness so we can go more inward. To breath easy in the asanas and challenges, and to overcome any other suffering by focusing on the cadence of your breathe. With this full moon I was able to purge. I took the challenges and unexpected news as a test. I was able to feel who I am, a reality check in trusting myself, and I was able to cry and feel deeps parts with in me that perhaps are no longer me. I felt more and allowed my emotions to creep up and be expressed, and in doing so, I was able to heal myself more fully. I realized my fears, my patterns of being, and saw what needs to shift and dissolve. I realized the contrast in what happened and that sometimes what I think I really want, may just be an illusion to what is really best. Because when I’m able to connect more to me and my intentions, I’m able to realize what things I truly want for me, and trust the universe to align and provide. I’m able to tune back in and trust that what I really seek and want, will naturally manifest. Sometimes the universe throws us curveballs and unexpected outcomes. That’s part of the journey of life. By checking back in with yourself, feeling what you need, and listening to the signs, you can bring yourself back to true reality and fill yourself with abundance, as let the flow connect more to you.

Last week I did not feel like myself. Something was off, my mind was in a fog, and I did not feel like me. And that is okay. Rather than reacting or sharing with everyone that I was sick and ill and under the weather, I paused. I felt what I needed, I accepted what happened, I eventually laughed at the news, and was able to commit more to who I am and what I really want. There are always tests and obstacles that come around. It’s how we react to them that dictate how we grow. As we all evolve more on our mat, we help deepen out practice off the mat as well. To teach ourselves how to breathe easy, how to tune in, how to feel more, and most importantly, how we are able to heal ourselves my simply connecting from a deeper place. Yoga, the union of mind, body, and spirit. As I deepen my yoga practice I am able to explore different sides of myself. I’ve learned to connect and unite all that we are with everything and everyone around. Winter is ending, the end of a season that promotes deep peace and inward reflection. These last few weeks, and this full moon in Virgo are a time to purge, to experience what the last cycle has brought, what signs and illusions have become evident, so we can clear ourselves for the new spring season with a solid foundation. Purge yourself, and past behaviors, and things that are not aligned with your truth, and heal yourself. Recognize that sometimes the mind and the body, need to react and feel various sensations to help inspire your spirit to cleanse and elevate to a new place.

The Eight Limbs

“I believe that those of us who practice yoga have been sent to yoga by our pain. We embarked on this path because we had a hunch that there must be a better way. We have grown tired or our perfectionism, our unhappy relationships with our bodies, our inability to love completely or be loved completely, our endless resentments and sorrows, our sense that we could become greater than we are but that we are somehow blocked. Many of us have had considerable good fortune. We were blessed with  the nice smile, the right education, the right opportunities. We may have loving partners, good work, healthy families. Yet we’ve found that arranging our externals in just the right way doesn’t bring us the happiness we hoped it would. The resting place always seems to be just over the next hill. And we have grown tired. We come to yoga in the grip of avidya. We come to yoga having forgotten where we come from and who we are. On our mats we find the truth. We are of God and there are no problems. We are the solution.”